Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Perky Cat
Monday, March 28, 2011
Matrix Energetics- a new modality for change
To put it in a practical sense, it is possible to affect animals for health and wellness using science modality. It is possible to transform them at a distance ( I know I just blew your mind) Think of how your car clicker can open your car door at a distance and you can begin to see how this is possible. So your animal friend can be miles away and transformation is possible. More information is available at www.matrixenergetis.com
So I an excited to offer this as a new service to you working in the field of zero point energy where everything is possible!!
equine vaccines
West Nile Virus $16.75/dose
Fluvac 4 $14.25/dose (contains eastern and western encephalitis, tetanus, and equine influenza)
Optional vaccines
Fluvac 5 $22.70 / dose (contains eastern and western encephalitis, tetanus, influenza, and rhinopneumonitis) Best for horses in high exposure circumstances to other horses
Rabies $15.00/dose
Strangles $18.10/dose (intranasal)